About Me

About Me

I'm a fully qualified and insured Counsellor, and registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP) with over 15 years experience. I practice in accordance with the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions.

I trained in the humanistic person-centred tradition, which is a respectful, relationship-focused approach, and hold a  BSc (Hons) in Reflective Therapeutic Practice. I am experienced with helping clients who struggle with problematic drug and alcohol use, and other dependencies, relationship issues, and general problems in living. I also have experience providing trauma-informed counselling support for male survivors of unwanted sexual experiences, and have undertaken essential training by specialists in the field of general trauma-work and recovery.

My work with clients, one-to-one and peer supervision, and further training have all better informed how I practice, and helped me develop a more wholly flexible and adaptive way of working. To enhance this, and so clients can benefit as much as possible from the sessions, I frame the work within a Pluralistic Approach which is an inclusive, research-informed, integrative perspective, deeply rooted in humanistic values which has collaboration at its heart, and a strong emphasises on client–therapist dialogue on the 'goals' or 'aims' of the therapy, and methods used. Pluralism challenges the 'one size fits all' approach, therefore I work with an openness to all approaches on the fundamental premise that each client is unique, and may simply need different things at different times.

As much a philosophical outlook as it is an approach, Pluralism is informed by a hopeful, inclusive, postmodern, constructivist view of the world, believing that there is no one fixed or absolute truth; embracing a 'both/and' philosophy rather than 'either/or', with a view that there is more than one way to look at things, more than one way to solve a problem. See what the research in Counselling & Psychotherapy has to say about what helps the client in therapy here.

Qualifications, Training & Experience

BSc (Hons) in Reflective Therapeutic Practice - Metanoia Institute, London (Middlesex University) - 2012 

FdSc in Person Centred Counselling - Sussex Downs College (University of Brighton) - 2009


Private practice, Brighton & Hove - Jan 2009 – Present

Mankind Charity, Brighton - Counsellor [ Male Survivors of Unwanted Sexual Experiences ] - April 2012 – Jul 2018

360B Counselling Service, Brighton - Associate Freelance Counsellor - March 2012 – Sept 2013

CRI - Relapse Prevention Counsellor [ drugs & alcohol ] - Feb 2009 – Oct 2012 

CRI - Substance Misuse Worker - Oct 2012 – Mar 2015   

CRI - Alcohol Detox Group Work - Sept 2009 – May 2010

Using Video to Conduct Online Therapy – Online Therapy Institute UK - July 2012

Moving Over to Online Therapy – Online Therapy Institute UK - May 2020

I continue an upkeep of certified continuous professional development (CPD) training through workshops, online, and publications, and attend supervision relevant to my client caseload.

Originally from New Zealand, I moved to the UK over 20 years ago and first embarked on counselling study and training in 2005. I have previously worked in hospitality and sales.

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